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Max CasE


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BA (University of Nevada, Reno)

Max Case is a guitarist and composer living in Brooklyn, New York. He attended the University of Nevada, Reno for a bachelor’s degree in jazz performance, and after becoming an experienced performer and teacher of all ages in the Reno area, moved to New York in 2023 to continue making and teaching music. He has two albums out; “Donna,” released last year with his group, Surplus, is an album of jazz and rock influenced music, and “Pas de Deux,” features arrangements of Tchaikovsky ballet music for duo guitar and violin.


"Mark's relaxed, open teaching style has been great for my daughter. He makes learning the piano fun and thinks of creative ways to help her learn new songs and understand the fundamentals of music theory. It's also a bonus that Mark is a professional jazz musician who plays multiple instruments, as he can teach her elements of jazz that she otherwise wouldn't get from a traditional piano teacher.”
–Jenny, mom
"Mark is a great teacher. He has taught me some new ways of looking at music and has taught me many new things I never knew before. He is also very calm and understanding. I am very happy he is my teacher.”
–Ella, age 12
“Mark makes piano lessons fun!”
–Violet, age 9
"I've been consistently impressed with Mark's teaching. He's been able to engage my child, keep lessons fun and interesting, and help her to continue to improve by always being encouraging without any pressure. I also appreciate how he introduces musical theory, so I feel she's getting a more complete musical education. Her playing has improved dramatically with him, and she also enjoys playing more and more.”
–Joanna, mom

Teaching Videos

Some adults actually want to learn fundamentals (!), so here's Mark teaching student Tara proper scale technique.

In this video, Mark Phillips teaches Ellis a few concepts about rhythm and independence of the hands. It's even harder than it looks!

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